Be Reseller

Existing Resellers

Please, login here.


We'll pay you for each webmaster you send us and he do signup. It's very easy! All you need to do is fill in the form and put our special link/button on your page, nothing more. Start today and imagine how much you can earn if you send us few webmasters daily.


How much GB webmaster buyYou earn
1 - 10 GB$5.00
11 - 50 GB$10.00
51 - 100 GB$20.00
101 - 250 GB$30.00
251 - 500 GB$40.00
501 - 1000GB$50.00
Metered Dedicated Server$50.00
Unmetered Dedicated Server$75.00

Signup form


Terms & Conditions

  • You can link our banner from our server, no problem!
  • You can use also good text link
  • You can send webmasters to our site as you want, but no spam
  • Minimum to send is $25.00
  • All rewards are one-time fees

If you have any question, just contact us.